Grampians Sunrise

Grampians Sunrise

Boroka Lookout Sunrise

Grampians National Park

One of Victoria’s Most Stunning Locations!

One of the highlights of the 2 Day Grampians Tour is the chance to see a spectacular sunrise from Boroka Lookout in the Grampians National Park. The lookout faces east and provides stunning views over Halls Gap, Lake Bellfield and the Mt William range.

Depending on time we also might go check out Reed’s Lookout and The Balconies.

Grampians Sunrise
Grampians Sunrise - Boroka Lookout
Grampians Sunrise Tour
Boroka Lookout - Grampians Tour
Grampians Sunrise
Grampians Sunrise - Boroka Lookout
Boroka Lookout at the Grampians
Grampians Sunrise from Boroka Lookout
Grampians 2 Day Tour
Grampians Sunrise - Good Times Tours

Sunrise at Reid’s Lookout

Reid’s Lookout and The Balconies is the best place in the Grampians National Park to watch the sunset, but sunrise is also very special. Watching the sun slowly light up Victoria Valley is an awesome sight and chances are you’ll have the place to yourself. Being one of the more popular lookouts in the park, its often crowded especially on long weekends, so taking the opportunity to see this place at sunrise is a great tip for anyone looking to visit the park during peak times.

Reids Lookout - Grampians at Sunrise
Reids Lookout - Grampians National Park
Looking out from The Balconies - Grampians
Jono Ingram - Good Times Tours
Jono Ingram – Owner & Guide – Good Times Tours

Get in touch

We’d love to hear from you, so please contact us on any of the platforms below.


Jono Ingram – 0410 341 228 or @jonoingram

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